Friday, February 15, 2008

lost dream.

* gail has lots of the peepshow card(s) that i gave to her.

* trying to pick up paco and chris. at the same time. i'm in this bizarre underground house. everything looks sweet, like something grandma would own. is there a movie theatre too? i'm talking to someone naked at one point. where have my clothes gone? then at another point i'm at the top of a flight of stairs. tyrrell and jett are standing next to each other, snuggling. tyrrell walks up the stairs and says something very important to me. i don't know what he said tho. he is wearing his tee shirt with a swimmer on it. the sleeves are short, red with a baby blue strip down them. he's wearing a long sleeve shirt underneath that matches. cut up baby blue running the entire length of his arm.

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