Saturday, February 16, 2008

dream from 02 11 08

(lots of fractals of dreams lets just try to get them out)

*i'm in a town thats kinda like santa fe. everything looks a little too short. like the streets have been flooded with cement. i'm on this corner that feels very familiar, but i've never been here before. big cool signs on the corner, greenish with burned out bulbs. it feels like i'm in the las vegas of the past. i go into a restaurant or something. this kid has drawn a picture that i'm enamored with. it's sitting out on the counter up front. it's a pencil drawing with all these strange little numbers and lines. it's like a sophisticated form of connect the dots. it makes up a man or a face. i see it later on in the dream and it's been painted. maybe it's like paint by numbers or something.

this guy, maybe the one who drew the picture, and this girl, they tell me about the bath room. i don't know if they tell me its hunted or not. but it is. i go in and it's dark. there's an eire light coming from somewhere. kinda greenish or blue. it's underground. it looks like the entire of a subway. i sit down and start peeing. everything is fine at first, but then i start feeling strange things moving in front of my eyes. i can't really see anything but i can feel them. i'm terrified. i fling the toilet paper into the basin, splash my hands with water and book it as fast as i can. the unknown can be scary especial in my imagination.

( this dream reminds m e of a dream i had awhile ago. it was about the atomic grill being across from the la fonda. it was like a bakery. i was there early in the morning. it was warm on the inside and smelled good.)

*i'm in this fun house, retro mansion. everything is red and white. it reminds me of the denver art museum for some reason. kristie is apologizing to me. i'm fed up. jett lingers near by.

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