Friday, December 14, 2007

dream from 12 03 07

* i'm trying on all these cool old dresses. they are mine but none of them fit, so i'm passing them off to sophie. there are all these freaky little spider monsters that start out as cockroaches. i think i try to drown them in the bathtub. they have no eyes but over sized brains that take up the whole upper half of their heads. their teeth are sharp and endlessly chomping at the air.

* jett is playing with me and buzzcocks in my old bed. he goes off to the restroom. i follow. buzzcock's motor still running. i decide that i'm done and what to go back into the other room. the buzzcock is still plugged in the other room. i'm worried that zack will see me walk back into the other room. i pack up all my toys, thinking i can't wait to live with jett. then i realize that i already do.

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