Thursday, December 6, 2007

dream from 11 19 07

so i forgot to post this, cause let's face it it needs a lot of rewriting. enjoy making sense of it!

actually dreaming in portland for the first time.

trying to do judy berger's hair in my mother's kitchen while simultaneously cooking something. the peanut gallery sits in the computer room taking about them self's and making up lame excuses for why they never invite me to anything. who's side is star on?

guess i'm the only lady in the house cause when there's some other women in my house i'm a total bitch to her. i say that i thought she was someone else, but i don't know that in my heart of hearts if that's true. jett being mad at me cause i fucked up. is she lana? who did i really offend.

youngest son. porn. trying to kiss on. brother in law? takes out a golf puck set's my hand on it and takes a red croquet ball bashing my hand. one thrust and i'm screaming. i pull my hand away there's nothing wrong with it. nipple pinching. parental unit's rush in.

strange place with star. takkun in bad health. bicycling toward hospital.

back in santa fe, they are trying to put something up near ej martinez. railroad? it's totally been bombed. trying to push my bike. with someone else. construction men making fun of me.

get to the camp. going on a long journey. kids with dreads gonna leave my mine (dreads) with them. cute really young kid, nothing. slightly older boy? anything happen?

eddie izzard like older guy who wants me. (sadly in the dream he looks like the picture above instead of the picture below)

sitting on his lap in clear view from women. same women? he scoots back with me on his lap. kissing move toward the bed. i tell him i'm not gonna fuck him. he gets mad, head goes back. eye's don't match up. sign of the devil? saying i'm leaving for my journey and he says that he'll see me on my way. i must go on the trip naked. bag all packed trying to collect huge scarf like blanket. sophie telling me that, that guy is a total prick. we are in a soda shop diner thing. he comes and talks to me. about what?

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