Tuesday, September 9, 2008

the day that beings after the last day of my life.

old notes on guitar stings


sweet voice in the distorter

remind me of watching the rain from that cold brick floor

lazy lost days of love and pain

and now i pear out the window of a different life

my suitcase unpacked, messy on the floor

cold white goosebumps shiver up my legs as the sky turns grey

and i can't remember last week

you sleep like the undead hogging the bed

planet terror, apocalypse now

and two things i've never liked before

last night

i should of told no one

and kept myself a little secret

the most important person to me today

won't exist tomorrow

remember his voice cutting thro all those blades of wheat

covered in frost

i've given up on begging

or conversating

my skin covered in blue, yellow, reds, blacks and greens

i'm yours

i close my eyes and sign off letting the world wash over me

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