Friday, July 27, 2007

dream from 07 18 07

* i go into the public library bathroom. it's gigantic with lots of people milling about. there are many rooms. it's all set up like a bathroom, yet it appears to be a meeting place for people. lots of fat men in suits. while in the bathroom i realize that i'm dreaming. it's posh, and very clean, i don't know what i'm doing in there, maybe i have to use the restroom? ; P
* i'm outside of an extremely fancy party, maybe it's at vizcia? there's a large wall around the party which i'm outside of. altho i am in civilization it looks like a tropical island. (guess who's there?) you guessed right jack and lock from lost. they are worried and when a large mosaic spaceship crashes very close to me i understand their worry. i run toward where the spaceship was coming from because when it hits the ground it ricochets and comes after me.

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