Thursday, September 2, 2010

From No Surprises to Flyin' on Your Motorcycle

radio head doesn't write love songs, but they all sound like love songs to me

i fear the sun coming up and me with it

i know it will pass but right now i have nothing to live for

i know you all told me so

i wonder what form of torture i should take on myself

what new scar i want

then i twist my ankle and remember how stupid pain is

i'm surrounding myself in it

my computer likes to over heat

you've gone back up into the clouds

and i'm going to have to learn to be alone with myself

why do i have to hate myself so much

who pre decided this and didn't clue me in?

i have so many blogs i don't know what to do with myself

i've made a ruin of the life i had

thought i wanted freedom

will you ever forgive me?

will i ever forgive myself?

you want me to apologize for something that isn't. . .

sex and love just don't mix in my world

you'll never understand that

so i'm sorry i hurt you

the crush has subsided

and all i think about september orange moons

and our breath on each others lips

you gave me a millions chances and i squandered all of them

but the leaves with fall and i'll drift down the river

hoping to be reborn in the ice of your heart

i wonder what's wrong with Thom Yorke's eye

Imogen Heap on the radio makes me cry

and i look out on myself

sitting on that balcony smoking

looking up at the stars

so far away from here

dressed in white and laughing at my self now

dinner parties and wine

and i'll want to be back here

why am i so broken god?

what did i do to deserve this


i could throw everything away

i like acoustic music, what's up with that?

constellation prize

there's love there, it's just young and shy

and it's what i need but not what i want

i don't care if it hurts

i wanna have control

the sea laps over our legs as you hold me tight

i'll never forget how cold my feet were

something was racing thro our minds that night

what? maybe i'll never know

maybe we're meant to be on and off again

but then, i've ruined everything for now

it's fall outside my window

ever motorcycle i hear is you, every passing car beyond the gate

soon you'll be gone,

there's something i forgot to tell you

when i said i thought maybe we'd go and i'd stay and then we'd part ways

remember that?

that hasn't been true in a long time

i thought that this would come will relief sometimes

but maybe everyone knows me better than myself

Oh it's the best thing that you've ever had

The best thing that you've ever, ever had

It's the best thing that you've ever had

The best thing you've had has gone away


himel452 said...

nice your tetu.............

himel452 said...