Thursday, April 10, 2008

04 09 07

days floating in and out

i'm not working enough

i'm sick of my house

it needs cleaning

the first in line is the last to remember her name

you left me with this huge want weighing down on my shoulders

my writing gets less legionary by the moment

did you guess well?

or did you create my desire for it?

i can't wear your ring anymore.

what took you so long to kiss me?

i've never been begged like that

i never knew anyone could do it,

like you do.

rushmore, records, lula, tattoos, 20 years old, cloves and rolled cigarettes.

flashing lights on the horizon

missed first chances

and i want you to want me

so are you a ten things i hate about you fan?

boo, pouting

and burning goldfish.

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