02 14 08
7 plus hours on a plane is a long time. but you get off and everything smells like flowers. the airport baggage claim is open to the world with no windows or doors. everything green makes you want to cry, the ocean is peering back at you from every direction. you strip off all your extra clothes, and as black cotton messes your hair it's like god is flicking everything off your shoulders.
in kauai the grass is sticky and the sand is soft.
02 15 08
i slept like i had a rhino sleeping on top of me last night. you walk up and your whole body kinda sore and
funky feeling? i woke up a few times in the night. once at twilight. the sky and the ocean matching colors. the ocean looked wild. like it was raining on it's self; in it's shore seeking frenzy.
02 16 08
i love sitting in this room with the ocean air floating in and out; clacking away on the keys of susan's laptop. my wrists are soar from writing so much. i shift between loneliness and total bliss looking out at the ocean in hanalei bay. is this the place where i learn to be by myself. the mainland holds so much reality, that there is sukoshi waiting for me there. i had the worst stomach ache yesterday. i woke up a few times during the night. i meet someone named sage in my parents house before he opens the door for me to throw up. i woke up stomach wrenching. my tattoo itches and i still miss someone.
i'm getting poked full of holes, but it's so warm and soft i don't care. the ocean makes everything softer. sweeter smelling. i thought hyde park was good. you aint seen nothing yet.
photos just don't do the ocean justice.
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