so i'm, like, really behind everyone else but i just started reading scott pilgrim.

i read it on the second plane flight to see sophie. phoenix to portland . ( it's sophie's birthday today) so now i'm in portland. i'll have to tell you about my dream from last night later cause, my dreams are kinda back logged in the blog world. i'm in portland, it's noon, raining, and i'm listening to the smiths. anywoo back the scott. reading S P reminds me of my life right now. cause there's this guy i'm dating that's like knives chau,

only not cause his like three million trillion times cooler. then there's this kid that i'm all silly over who's kinda like ramona flowers.

ramona flowers goes rollerblading thro scott's dream and he becomes like totally obsessed with her. so this kinda reminds me of my life, only it's more complicated than it sounds; because my relationship to jett is more like wallace's relationship to scott.

wallace is scott's gay room mate, who owns everything in the house and pays scott's way. ( not like in a bad way or nothing) and they sleep in the same bed. only it's still complicated cause jett kinda reminds me more of stephen stills.

you can see how this gets all confusing. the smiths give me goose bumps. i don't know the kid i'm all pashed over really well, so i'm not sure who he is, but i'm gonna stick with ramona for him. so in scott pilgirm he has to fight all of ramona flower's 7 ex boyfriends to keep dating her. i know this in some way plays into my reality, but i get the feeling my task will be a little different. so what's my task, can someone tell me?
do you think it's possible that i'm depressed and lonely, and this guy is really swerval, but that i'm only making my life really complex for myself? god i hope no one is still reading this.
I finally read the Scott Pilgrim blog. Has ShRiek read it lately, I wonder? Is there anything she might like to amend?
not really. thanks!
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