Tuesday, December 4, 2007

dream from 11 26 07

* i'm in a little tiny town. it's kinda like santa fe, i think i'm in the past. me and my "boyfriend" run up to this old building and peer in the windows. (for some reason i can see myself doing this ) there's a fair or something going on all around us. somehow i get in the building and am separated from my "boyfriend" . i'm underground, in some sort of insane asylum? everyone is deformed/ dead maybe? it's hard to explain, it was like watching a horror movie only i was in it, and everything was real. very real.

i'm in this hallway with this guy who looks like he was cut into three sections then sown back together. only who ever sowed him back together didn't do a very good job. he's like my guide to this freaky dystopia. there's tons of creatures about i can only remember a few in particular. there's a little girl, or baby doll with her eyes missing. she's running around screaming, she's dead. the other one is a person, male, with amorphous blobs for hands that shapeshift. he can also will them to come off in little doughy bits to hit people with. it's like a hospital filled with horrible smells and dim lighting. i'm terrified, i want to leave. i'm not being held or anything i could leave, something/someone is stopping me? or is it just me? i wont let myself leave? later in the dream i'm back outside, but it's like i'm having a flash back or something. i'm not actually free.

this is all wrapped up in a dream about staying with sophie and trying to go home, but missing my flight or something. i'm staying with both of her parents and her. only i never see her father. ( who isn't alive anymore, in real life, he was really cool) i think i miss my flight or something, maybe i never had a flight booked home? the airport and her house have a strange feel to them. like the carnival and underground ward.

jett and i did this comic about his friend sam. sam became paralyzed from the waist down temporarily. while he was in the hospital he had a dream. our dreams share in many aspects.

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