i feel like i'm standing at the cosmic fork of life
with everyone i've known or know
loved or hated
the ultimate limbo has rested on my shoulders
"serena, which will you choose, who is it gonna be
which you are you gonna pick"
love will tear us apart
jett says i'm making a mountain out of a mole hill
and the day before
08 08 08
i realize what my number is
and it's the same as yours
you keep telling me that you love me
i love you
and i keep wondering if you
love me
or are in love with me
lazy suicide
the ways you rang in my ears
all those hot bothereds and late atomic filled nights
kiss her goodnight from me
and take this lonely wonderer away from my home
it's the stranger song
soft on my new lips
and why did i kiss you
it hurt a little
so back to the fork
up or down
to be alone?
i guess i could leave you all at the cross roads
pick the road not taken yet
ride my bike pass all those volcanic kissed pants
to the cemetery of lost boys and queasy stomachs
what if it was me who got rapped instead
would i do it, to make. . .
i never knew what you wanted for yourself
gotta pee
and my knee burns
he says my chances are better than ever
but we all know that doesn't really mean much
why do i always stay to the breaking point
i could get up and leave in the middle of the night
and then you'd be the one left holding the bucket
it's not true
i want to be respected
and that's where it all doesn't work
i need to know the respect of my own
so that i use you
and you don't dare use me
i don't want to be your girlfriend
i want to be your equal
tell me which path you wanna take with me
lead me away from the chelsea hotel
i hate this sentence i've given myself
i know you can't and won't
your right i need to do this on my own
i'm tired of the skipping from rock to rock
when i should be skipping rocks instead
walk on the water with me
it's a fork in the road
but more like the way i use to draw trees
the split is different for everyone
and i don't even know where to begin